Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar collects, consolidates, preserves and analyses evidence of the most serious international crimes and violations of international law committed in Myanmar since 2011. It prepares case files that can be used in courts...
Bulletin – Issue 6, March 2022

Bulletin – Issue 6, March 2022

The main purpose of the Bulletin is to create awareness regarding the mandate and work of the Myanmar Mechanism, and to provide an update on its progress on a regular basis. The latest issue of the Bulletin is available in the English and Myanmar languages.

Myanmar Mechanism joins the European Genocide Network as an Associate

On 9 November 2021, the European Network for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (‘Genocide Network’) granted Associate Status to the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar, providing the Mechanism with...
Bulletin – Issue 5, October 2021

Bulletin – Issue 5, October 2021

The main purpose of the Bulletin is to create awareness regarding the mandate and work of the Myanmar Mechanism, and to provide an update on its progress on a regular basis. The latest issue of the Bulletin is available in the English and Myanmar languages.
Bulletin – Issue 4, July 2021

Bulletin – Issue 4, July 2021

The main purpose of the Bulletin is to create awareness regarding the mandate and work of the Myanmar Mechanism, and to provide an update on its progress on a regular basis. The latest issue of the Bulletin is available in the English and Myanmar languages.